Developer notes - plot 4

Latest record:

Sensor Set1 Set2
temp value: 0
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Humidity value: 0
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Soil temp value: 29.00
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Soil PH value: 6.47
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: 6.47
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Soil NPK N: 129
P: 46
K: 64
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
N: waiting for data
P: waiting for data
K: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Soil NPK SET 3 N: 0
P: 0
K: 0
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Water level value: 41
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
Meth value: 0
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: waiting for data
Date: 05/12/2022 02:52:PM
C02 value: 0
Date: 03/04/2024 04:19:AM
value: 104.45
Date: 16/09/2022 09:40:AM

plot 4- Organic Precision Farming

value Description: Organic Precision Farming

List of all plots

No. Name Date Start
plot 1 Lot Masnawi - Baseline Reading (1&2): 6/05/2022

- install c1: 25/05/2022 - 26/08/2022 (2 sets)

- install c2: 21/11/2022 - 17/03/2023 (2 sets)

- install c3: 05/05/2023 - 10/08/2023 (2 sets)
plot 2 - Cycle 1:Lot 5A - C2:Lot B1 - BR (1&2): 27/05/2022

- c1: 14/06/2022 - 16/09/2022

- BR2 (1&2): 06/12/2022

- c2: 06/01/2023 - 04/04/2022

- c3: coming soon (Set 1 ONLY)

plot 3 -C1: Lot 6A -C2: (x) -C3: (x) -C4: B18 - BR (1&2): 27/05/2022

- c1: 24/06/2022 - 16/09/2022

- c2: (x)

- c3: (x)

- c4: 04/01/2024 - 03/04/2024
plot 4 -C1: Lot Tower A -C2: (x) -C3: (x) -C4: B18 - 3 Days Trial: 15/04/2022 - 18/04/2022

- BR (1&2): 27/05/2022

- c1: 24/06/2022 - 16/09/2022

- c2: (x)

- c3: (x)

- c4: 20/02/2024 - 03/04/2024


Default value set to 02-10-2025 ( MM-DD-YYYY Format )



Humidity and Temperature (set1)

Unit for Temp: °C

Unit for Humidity: %


Humidity and Temperature (set2)

Unit for Temp: °C

Unit for Humidity: %

Soil Temp (set1)

Unit for Soil Temp: °C

Soil Temp (set2)

Unit for Soil Temp: °C

Soil pH (set1)

Soil pH (set2)

Soil NPK (set1)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Soil NPK (set2)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Soil NPK (set3)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Water Level (set1)

Unit: cm

Water Level (set2)

Unit: cm

Gases (set1)

Unit: ppm

Gases (set2)

Unit: ppm


Default value set to 02-10-2025( MM-DD-YYYY Format )



Humidity and Temperature (set1)

Unit for Temp: °C

Unit for Humidity: %


Humidity and Temperature (set2)

Unit for Temp: °C

Unit for Humidity: %

Soil Temp (set1)

Unit for Soil Temp: °C

Soil Temp(set2)

Unit for Soil Temp: °C

Soil pH (set1)

Soil pH (set2)

Soil NPK (set1)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Soil NPK (set2)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Soil NPK (set3)

Unit: (mg/kg) or (mg/l)

Water Level (set1)

Unit: cm

Water Level (set2)

Unit: cm

Gases (set1)

Unit: ppm

Gases (set2)

Unit: ppm